Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The First Step to Conquering Life

You hear people quote Bible verses, telling you how well they know the Bible, bragging on their kids learning the books of the Bible in order and encouraging you to get your life right with God. Yet, you listen to them talk and watch their lives, and you see them living negatively. They give the "Oh Poor Me" speeches, or they have a common saying of "Just my luck!"

Satan knows the Bible. He knows the Bible better than any of us. Quoting scripture and knowing the Bible are good, but they do not make you Godly. If you truly know God; if you truly hand the reigns over to Him and let Him guide your life, then how can you not be sincerely happy, satisfied and optimistic? If God is truly in control of your life, yet you are unhappy with the way your life is going, are you not saying that you believe God is doing a poor job?

I believe the first step to conquering life is letting God truly be in control of your life. Let Him lead, and you follow. That way you know that the path your life is taking is the one it is intended to take. After all, who knows what's best for you more than God?

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