I was thinking this morning of someone close to me and an experience he had several years ago that he deemed horrible at the time. This horrible experience led him to a depression, and it took a few years to recover. This is what I concluded...
Sometimes things happen in life that we perceive as horrible. People say "Look at the bright side" or "It's not as bad as you think" or "Maybe it's just a blessing in disguise" to try to cheer us up. But in our mind there is no bright side. Sometimes it may even be so bad that people can only offer condolences because even they do not see a positive side to it. Later, and sometimes it's much later, God reveals a door to us that was opened as a result of this horrible experience. Then, and only then, do we realize this "horrible" experience wasn't so horrible after all. In fact, it was a blessing that led us to the wonderful life we now lead.
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