Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Crafts: Chevron Rug

My mom gave us this cute "Home Tweet Home" door mat as a housewarming gift when we moved in our new house last summer. My nickname has always been Tweeter, so it was so fitting.

Unfortunately we moved it to the back patio during Christmas time when we were decorating with our Christmas rugs.
 Muddy backyard + 3 Dogs = Ridiculously dirty doormat! 
I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. I looked up cleaning tricks on Pinterest. Nothing got it looking neat again. Ugh... Right? Wrong! Why not give it a facelift? I'm in love with chevron right now (as most women are), and for some reason I keep leaning toward orange. I've never liked orange! Why do I all of a sudden want it everywhere??? I blame it on these back-to-back pregnancies. So... The doormat got a facelift! Easy peasy Japanesey!

First I sprayed it white with Rust-o-leum outdoor paint. It took two bottles. It was SO dirty!

Next I made a pattern using an old shoebox lid. That helped me get started on the taping.

After I got the first little bit done I used that as my guide to tape out the rest. It would have taken waaay too long to tape the entire thing the way I did that first little bit!

I cut the strips as needed to give me the chevron look.

See how it doesn't stick good to this kind of rug? I knew this would be a problem. I debated on several solutions, but finally I decided to just be lazy and go for it. I sprayed it orange, let it dry a bit, removed the tape, and couldn't believe how good it looked!

I may do a few touch-ups here and there. But overall I'm very happy with the end result!! Now to pair it with the right things for the front porch!

Check out our You Make the Call page to join in with your opinion on how we should fix the front porch! We'd love to hear your ideas! Comments or questions on this project? We love some comment love!!! 

Thanks for joining us! Please feel free to share!

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