Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Yummy: Stacked Caprese Salad

If you want some yummy goodness for an appetizer, snack, or light lunch, here it is!!

~Take a fresh tomato from your vegetable garden or the local farmer's market.

~ Wash and slice it.

~ Slice mozzarella (or mozzarella log as I call it) to about the same thickness as your tomato slices.

~ Alternate stacking them on a plate.

~ Drizzle with Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

~ Sprinkle Sea Salt and Fresh Ground Black Pepper.

~ Chop fresh basil (preferably from your herb garden... It's easy to grow even if you live in an apartment) and sprinkle it over the top. 

~ Enjoy the yummy goodness!!

~ Alternate methods:
    * Place a whole basil leaf between every other layer in your stack rather than chopping it on top.

    * Drizzle a little balsamic vinegar, too.

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