Friday, June 28, 2013

Adventures: Camping on Our Land ~ Mother's Day 2010

In 2010 we were trying to sell our house in central Arkansas that stood on a couple of wooded acres with a pond. It was the perfect house for outdoor enthusiasts, but it wasn't suited for a family at all. Mother's Day weekend of that year Whitney's parents came down to help us fix up the house some to get it more presentable to sell. After a couple of days of hard work, we decided to spend Saturday night and Sunday morning pretending we were far away from civilization. We kept a campfire going, cooked hotdogs over the fire, roasted marshmallows, sipped hot chocolate, and just enjoyed a getaway just outside our back door. Although we had no kids, it would be the perfect, free "getaway" to do with kids. If you don't have kids, change things up by camping out back with your spouse. Add a little zest without a lot of dough.

The dogs will be glad you did!

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