Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Yummy: Breakfast Banana Split

This has become one of my favorite breakfasts. It is so quick and easy to make, it tastes really good, and it's good for you!

1 ~ Banana
1/2 cup-ish ~ Cottage Cheese
2 tbsp.-ish ~ Strawberry Preserves (or any preserves of your choice)
Dash of Sea Salt
2 tbsp.-ish ~ Peanuts
2 tsp.-ish ~ Flax seeds

Take one banana and slice it in two lengthwise. Put the pieces in a dish as shown. Drop a couple of dobs of cottage cheese on it (the amount may vary depending on your taste). Dabble some preserves of your choice on top of the cottage cheese. My favorite is strawberry. Grind a bit of sea salt on top. Sprinkle a few peanuts and flax seeds on the top.

Super yummy, easy, healthy, and the flax seeds add some much needed fiber. Enjoy!

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